iNTEA RELAX Mont Olympe Tea | 21 pyramid sachets

RELAX is an effective and delicious blend of Greek Mount Olympus tea and lemon balm, which contributes to relaxation and the reduction of anxiety. Each package contains 21 tea bags with biodegradable pyramids.


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Greek tea from Mount Olympus plus Melissa

Greek mountain tea (Sideritis scardica) is recognized for its antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties, known since ancient Greece and scientifically proven today, contributing to the revitalization of the body.

Lemon balm (Melissa officinalis) is recognized for its contribution to relaxation and the reduction of anxiety, properties known since ancient Greece and scientifically proven today.

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Cardboard box



Pays de production


Producteurs / Artisans


Taille / Poids

21 sachets en pyramide

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