Discover the Palace of the Grand Masters in Rhodes thanks to Growy and Tasty.
A must-see when traveling in Greece.

The Palace of the Grand Masters in Rhodes: A Majestic Medieval Fortress

Perched atop the medieval town of Rhodes, the Palace of the Grand Masters is a masterpiece of Gothic architecture and an emblematic symbol of the history of the Knights of the Order of St. John.
Built in the 14th century, this fortified palace served as both the residence of the Order’s Grand Masters and its administrative headquarters.
With its imposing towers, thick walls and majestic courtyards, the palace is an outstanding example of medieval military architecture.
Today, it is one of Rhodes’ most visited tourist attractions, offering visitors a fascinating insight into the island’s chivalric history.

The History of the Palace: From Byzantine Fortress to Knights' Residence

The site of the Palace of the Grand Masters was originally occupied by a Byzantine fortress built in the 7th century.
When the Knights of the Order of St. John took possession of Rhodes in 1309, they transformed this ancient fortress into a sumptuous palace, intended to reflect the power and prestige of their Order.
The palace soon became the political and military center of Rhodes, housing the Grand Masters and serving as a meeting place for European dignitaries.
The richness of its architecture, combined with its strategic role, made the Grand Masters’ Palace a symbol of chivalric power in the Mediterranean.

Imposing and symbolic architecture

The Palace of the Grand Masters is an impressive example of Gothic architecture, with Byzantine and medieval elements.
The palace is surrounded by massive ramparts and defensive towers, testifying to its military role.
Inside, the palace is organized around a large central courtyard, surrounded by elegant arcades.
The reception rooms are decorated with antique mosaics and period furniture, while the guard rooms and arsenals recall the building’s defensive vocation.
Every architectural element of the palace reflects the authority and wealth of the Knights of St. John, while serving the practical functions of defense and government.

The Grand Masters and their influence in Rhodes

The Grand Masters of the Order of St. John were powerful rulers, responsible for protecting Rhodes from invasion, particularly by the Ottomans.
The Palace of the Grand Masters was not only their residence, but also the nerve center where decisions crucial to the Order’s survival were taken.
The Grand Masters also played a cultural role, commissioning works of art and promoting architecture, which contributed to the beautification of Rhodes.
Their influence is still palpable in the medieval city, which remains one of the best-preserved examples of medieval town planning in Europe.

Palace of the Grand Masters in Rhodes

The Destruction and Restoration of the Palace

The Palace of the Grand Masters has suffered considerable damage over the centuries, most notably in an explosion in 1856 caused by the detonation of a stock of gunpowder stored in the nearby church of St. John.
This explosion largely destroyed the palace, which was left in ruins until the Italians, who occupied Rhodes in the 1930s, undertook a complete restoration.
The restoration, although controversial due to certain architectural modifications, restored the palace to its majestic appearance.
Today, the restored palace is a museum, offering visitors a journey through the medieval history and architecture of Rhodes.

A Museum of Medieval History - The Palace of the Grand Masters

Today, the Palace of the Grand Masters houses a museum with a rich collection of medieval objects, mosaics and artifacts linked to the history of Rhodes and the Order of St. John.
Visitors can explore the palace’s various rooms, some of which are decorated with period furniture, tapestries and sculptures.
The museum also offers an overview of the history of Rhodes, from Byzantine times through the era of the Knights to the Italian occupation.
The exhibits provide a better understanding of Rhodes’ strategic role in the Mediterranean and the importance of the Order of St. John in European history.

The Palace of the Grand Masters is located in the heart of the medieval city of Rhodes, a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

Les Jardins du Palais: An Oasis of Tranquility

The gardens of the Palais des Grands Maîtres, at the rear of the building, offer a peaceful place to relax in the heart of the medieval town.
These gardens, laid out during the Italian Restoration period, are adorned with fountains, statues and Mediterranean plants.
They offer breathtaking views of the Aegean Sea and the city of Rhodes.
Visitors can stroll through the shady alleys, enjoying the serenity of the setting, and admiring the juxtaposition of Mediterranean style with the palace’s Gothic architecture.
It’s an ideal place to relax after a visit to the palace and contemplate the history that permeates every stone of the monument.

The Medieval City of Rhodes: A Unique Setting

The Palace of the Grand Masters is located in the heart of the medieval city of Rhodes, a UNESCO World Heritage Site.
This walled city, with its cobbled streets, imposing gates and historic buildings, is one of the largest and best preserved in Europe.
The city offers a unique setting for exploring medieval history, with many other monuments, such as the Rue des Chevaliers, the Hospital des Chevaliers and the Suleiman Mosque.
Every corner of the city tells a story, and the palace is the highlight, proudly dominating the overall landscape.

Legends and Mysteries of the Palace

The Palace of the Grand Masters is shrouded in legend and mystery.
It is said that secret tunnels link the palace to other parts of the city, enabling the Knights to move discreetly in the event of an attack.
Other stories tell of hidden treasures and the ghosts of Knights still haunting the premises.
These tales add a mystical dimension to a visit to the palace, capturing the imagination of visitors and reinforcing the mysterious aura that surrounds this monumental edifice.

Tips for Visitors to the Palace of the Grand Masters

  • Opening hours: The palace is open all year round, but opening times may vary according to the season.
    To avoid unpleasant surprises, we advise you to check the opening times before your visit.

  • Combined tickets: For history buffs, we recommend buying a combined ticket that gives access to several sites in the medieval city, including the palace, the Rue des Chevaliers, and the archaeological museum.

  • Guided tours: A guided tour can enrich your experience by providing historical and architectural details you might miss on a self-guided tour.

  • Avoid Peak Hours: The palace is very busy during the peak tourist season, especially in the mornings.
    For a more leisurely visit, opt for afternoons or weekdays.

  • Wear comfortable shoes: The cobbled streets of the medieval town and the palace stairs can be difficult to navigate.
    Comfortable, non-slip shoes are essential for a pleasant visit.

  • Enjoy the gardens: After visiting the palace, take time to relax in the gardens and enjoy the panoramic view of the city and sea.

Rhodes' cultural and historical wealth

The Palace of the Grand Masters is a shining testimony to the rich history and culture of Rhodes.
This monument embodies the power and influence of the Knights of St. John, while reflecting the island’s architectural evolution over the centuries.
To visit the palace is to plunge into an era when chivalry, faith and military strategy shaped the history of the Mediterranean.
For lovers of history and architecture, the Palace of the Grand Masters is a must-see on any trip to Rhodes.

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