Delivery and Pickup Conditions

At Growy and Tasty, we are committed to providing you with an exceptional delivery experience, reflecting our dedication to quality and customer satisfaction.

1 - Delivery Area

  • Delivery in Greece.
  • Delivery across Europe in major countries.
  • Other countries will be added over time based on the logistical conditions of our carrier.

2 - Delivery method

  • Standard delivery in Greece and Europe.
  • Option to pick up orders at our logistics center in Crete.

3 - Preparation Time

Your satisfaction is our priority. We carefully prepare each order within 24 to 72 hours after the order is placed (excluding weekends and holidays).

4 - Delivery Times

Delivery times vary depending on the carriers and the delivery location. We invite you to add these delivery times to the preparation times to plan for your receipt.

5 - Tracking your order

Stay informed at every step of the process. Order tracking is available in the dedicated section of your customer account.

6 - Shipping fees

Subject to rapid changes depending on carrier terms, but always with the aim of providing you with optimal delivery solutions.
  • Subject to change depending on the delivery location.
  • Free above a certain purchase amount.

7 - Pickup Conditions

If you prefer a more direct option, in-person pickup is available at our logistics center in Crete.

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